Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus come in variety of colors including black, white, gray, tan, and gold spotted to a mix of several-colored hairs. A model Shih Tzu should have a short snout, large eyes, a slight underbite, and a tail that waves above its torso. The Shih Tzu's hair can be styled in a short, summertime hair cut or a well-groomed long hair style like that used for conformation shows. Since this breed's hair continues to grow rather than shedding regularly, it is one of several breeds suggested as a hypoallergenic pet.


Unknown said…
Hi!! We're rescuing one maybe two dogs this weekend, probably a Jack Russell Terrier and a Chihuahua. Got any JRT stories? I'm sure once we find the "right" dog, I'll have some!!
silentsurfur said…
Oh you are so kind and helping person Heaven....its nice to know that you are going to save those babies and have one soon. I bet that baby will be lucky to have a mom like you...

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